The Washington County Community Foundation manages scholarship funds for individual donors and organizations. Donors are free to establish selection criteria and choose the recipients. The Foundation supports the process by providing:


      1. Experience in verifying student enrollment and assuring that funds go to the proper institution and student account.
      2. A tax-deductible way to fund scholarships, making it beneficial to the donor and others who may wish to contribute.
      3. Experienced and effective management of the fund to maximize the scholarship amounts.
      4. A way to continue scholarships past the original donor’s lifetime through an endowment fund.


2024 Scholarship recipient
2024 Scholarship recipients
2024 Scholarship recipient
2024 Scholarship recipient
2024 Scholarship recipients
2024 Scholarship recipients


Washington County Community Foundation Scholarship

The Washington County Community Foundation will be awarding scholarships to Washington County residents graduating from high school that demonstrate exceptional community service accomplishments and leadership potential. Academic performance and financial need will also be regarded.

Washington County Community Foundation Scholarship 2025

Washington County Community Foundation Scholarship 2025_fillable

Memorial Community Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship

Memorial Community Hospital (MCH) Auxiliary will be awarding scholarships to Burt or Washington County high school graduates interested in a in a medical career in at least one discipline currently offered at MCH Health System. Applicants living outside of Burt or Washington Counties are eligible only if they are an employee of MCH or a child of an MCH employee.

MCH Auxilary Scholarship 2025

MCH Auxilary Scholarship 2025_fillable

Leroy Larsen Nursing Scholarship

Mr. Larsen established an endowed scholarship fund through an estate gift for students from Washington and Burt Counties wishing to attend nursing school. He did this out of gratitude for the care he received during a critical hospital stay. The Washington County Community Foundation carries on the legacy by selecting the recipients.



The Clair and Jeremy McKinnis Trade Scholarship

In honor of Clair McKinnis and Jeremy McKinnis, a scholarship fund was established to provide financial support for high school graduating students interested in choosing a career in a trade field. (For example, roofing, construction, welding, mechanic, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, etc.)

 Clair and Jeremy McKinnis Construction and Trades Scholarship 2025

Clair and Jeremy McKinnis Construction and Trades Scholarship 2025_fillable


The Geary L. Combs Aviation Scholarship

Geary L. Combs was an accomplished pilot and active member of Washington County. In his estate he established a scholarship fund to be awarded to a Washington County high school graduate that is interested in a career in the aviation field.

 Geary L. Combs Aviation Scholarship 2025

Geary L. Combs Aviation Scholarship 2025_fillable


The Amy Murray Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Amy Murray, friends and family have established a scholarship fund that will be awarded to Blair High School graduating students that are pursuing a career in education.

 Amy Murray Memorial Scholarship 2025

Amy Murray Memorial Scholarship 2025_fillable


The Mandy Jo Rounds Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Mandy Jo Rounds, a scholarship fund was created to financially support Blair High School graduating students interested in a career in an animal field as Mandy was passionate about caring for animals. Careers eligible includes Veterinarian, Vet Tech, Wildlife Biology, Zoology and many others.



Brandon Tomcak Memorial Scholarships
Brandon was tragically lost in a traffic accident at a young age. His parents established a scholarship fund to help students who are involved in archery, a passion of Brandon. Their hope is to enrich and support the growth and values of the children in our community through archery.

Brandon Tomcak 3D Scholarship ApplicationDownload  


Bob Bair Journalism Scholarship
Bob Bair made a significant impact as a Journalism teacher at Blair High School, inspiring his students with both his passion for journalism and his dedication to their education. A scholarship in his honor was established as a way way to preserve his legacy and encourage future generations of students to pursue their interests in journalism.

Bob Bair Journalism Scholarship – application

Some scholarships have specific requirements or are not being distributed at this current time. Please contact the Washington County Community Foundation with any questions.

The Nebraska Archery Fund
This scholarship fund was established by Tom Saunders to provide assistance for students who will attend a college, university or trade school. Recipients are place winners of the state NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) contest, operated by the Nebraska Game and Parks Division.

The Mark Chappelear Memorial Fund
The family of Mark Chappelear awards a scholarship annually to a graduating senior from Arlington High School who wishes to study computer science or similar technology. Selections are made by AHS guidance counselors.

The Michael Ferm Memorial Fund
The family of Michael Ferm established this fund to honor his memory by providing assistance to local students who wish to learn welding (Michael’s profession) or a similar trade. The fund is currently growing to become an endowed fund, at which time the family will begin to take applications.


Questions?  You can email us at